Friday, October 11, 2013

Boiling Hot Minnesota Doldrums

 10 October 2013

Okay, so these pictures are from a whole year and a half ago.

I guess building a proa puts your whole life and your own mortality right out there in plain view.

At least when it takes you as long as it takes me to build a proa.

Meanwhile I have launched another neglected blog using my very own domain name:

On with the show...

Here are some contraptions I tried out last year:

1. Double axis rudder contraption
2. PVC pipe jam cleat contraption
3. deck box with seat back contraption
4.  foot pedal steering linkage contraption

Here's another view of the four fold contraptions in all their glory:

Oh, and a fifth contraption --- a little mounting bracket for my Flip Ultra HD video cam:

And another shot of the benefits of bungee cords for proa sailors who don't ride bicycles:

And Gary Dierking's most excellent ama post rigging system. 

Note:  I actually use a galvanized mooring cleat mounted on the aka.  A paddle can be neatly stowed under those polyester lines.  Polyester (synthetic silk) because it does not stretch when wet.

A detailed view of the dual axis rudder contraption:

And of the multi jam cleat board (inspiration credits to Wade Tarzia):

Hope  this belated post cheers you up.

Let me know if you want to see the video clips...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your design. Can you paddle from the seat or will you have oarlocks?

I stumbled upon your page while I was looking at methods of aka attachment. I dont suppose that you have pictures of the parts of your aka bracket from inside the hull?

I have some ideas but am hoping to get a few more.


gold party